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Pain & Palliative Care Workshop 2015 – 12th & 14th October, 2015

In remembrance of the ‘WORLD HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE DAY’, RAH organized two workshops to enlighten the general people more about palliative care and hospice on 12th and 14th October. Dr.Anil Tandon, consultant physician in palliative care flew all the way from Australia to share his knowledge with us. The first workshop was organized on 12th October at the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) premises(with whom RAH had collaborated since 29th July 2013). The second workshop was held on 14th October at RAH home centre. Prof. Dr. JaydeepBiswas was invited as the chief guest for both the workshop. The main objective of the workshop was based on three important aspects of Palliative Care:- Wound Management, Lymphedema Care and advanced Communication Skills. Dr.Tandon presented his amazing speech regarding all these three topics. All the participants got the golden opportunity to get their hands-on the practical experience to interact with patients suffering from terminal illness under the palliative care workshop for each session. Around a hundred interested people participated and were trained received the certificates for participation after completing both the workshops.


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